WE discussed the usage of webcams in class for business purposes, however this technology has made its way into many households. Having knowlege about the pros and cons of webcams is essential for all parents prior to purchasing this technology.
Many children are pressured into wanting technology such as webcams so they can connect with their friends through teleconferencing . The webcam can have some very positive usages, such as "seeing " family members who live far away , or for a grandparent wanting to keep track of the activities and growth of a new grandchild,and checking on our family from the office to ensuring things are OK at home. There are some dangers that parents should be aware of before purchasing a webcam for your child to use. As with any technology , it is always best to be aware of these dangers and communicate them to our children.
It is best to have your computor in a family room where you can always keep on eye on what sites are visited and what they are using their webcams and computors for. Some teens have been know to sell videos or allow others to view sexual acts over the internet via webcams. This is one reason for teens not to have a computor with internet access and a webcam in their bedroom. Although we feel this will never happen to our kids, it is always important to have that knowlege and share it with our children. Some kids have been caught playing strip poker over the internet while using webcams, not realizing that a "friend " was capturing this on video!!
As parents, we not only have to educate ourselves of the dangers of the interet as a tool, but ensure that we educate our children as well. Something as simple as not giving out any personal information over the net, or arranging to meet someone you ahve met on line by yourself is a start. Visit this site for safety tips and learn to protect your most precious investment; your children!

Our children are growing up using technology in their lives daily. They use it to communicate, educate. and entertain ! We need to have a working knowlege of computors so we can protect their privacy. This can be done through parental controls and careful observation while they are on the internet. Educate yourself, do some surfing, and investigate webcams on line prior to making that pressure purchase!