I'm not sure if Blogging is a word or not , but since beginning my Management of Information Systems course , when people ask me what I am doing , I respond "blogging". When I first read the course syllabus , I had no idea what a blog was and how I could possibly write 1o articles, add videos and pictures! I felt a bit like this maze makes you feel; feeling lost and will never be able to get through and find the end. Well, now I am posting my last article and feeling pretty good! You are probably getting a better picture as to why I called my blog " I'm Having Technical Difficulties".
Blogspot.com was fairly easy to maneuvor in ,and I read the "help" articles, as well as some of the tips in blogging 101 . Thinking of titles and topics to write about was a bit difficult at first, however, as we spent time in class, and different subjects were discussed , it was becoming easier to relate the topics back to my workplace. Being in healthcare, we are progressing and still have a along way to go, but a lot of the topics discussed in class, we had electronic processes already in place, and had for quite some time; Electronic staffing and scheduling modules, payroll modules ( with the recent addition of Cognos), an automated OR scheduling and data entry program, Quality Managment Software to name a few.
Posting a video to my blog was going to be a challenge. I surfed through youtube and found some very interesting and funny videos. I was familiar with the name only and had never visited the site before. It did take someone going over the steps with me ( Thanks Stuart!) , and it was relatively painless. Adding interesting links was easier, and I have actually added a couple of desktop links to my home and work computor. One of the tools I have also used recently for work was the hyperlink. I had never had occaision to use it , and really had no idea what its function was. With 10 articles to write there was lots of surfing, and using google to get some good articles and sites to link to my blog. If you have never visited Google earth , or google maps, and got on to the satelite maps, you should do so. You can only zoom in so far, and I assume that is so you can't spy so easily on your neighbors! Really interesting and amazing sites with 3-D capabilites .
Visiting other MBA classmates' blogs has been interesting as well. There are some great articles ,both personal experiences, work related and some humerous ones. Over all ,this experience has helped me overcome some of the fears I had regarding surfing , downloading and linking with different sites. I have shared my blog site with some of my co-workers who have visited and posted comments. I even had a question posed that I will research and get back to that person on!
I would highly recommend others to jump on board and develop a blog. I am hoping to maintain my site , or look at starting another one with my co-workers. It will be a great tool for sharing information, articles and interesting links that can help us all in our daily work lives. Thank you for introducing me to "blogging".
1 comment:
We certainly have learned a lot! Enjoy your free time "blogging!"
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