After class this week I was very intrigued by the demo of Second Life and discussion on virtual worlds and the number of people who are utilizing this technology. According to Wikipedia a "virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment intended for its users to inhabit and interact via avatars. This habitation usually is represented in the form of two or three-dimensional graphical representations of humanoids (or other graphical or text-based avatars)."
A virtual world mentioned in class was one called a Second Life. When it was created in 2003, it was virtually empty. Its creator wanted the users to build this virtual world. Linden now has many 3 dimentional residents (avitars) who make up this community. You create your own personna by choosing hair, eye color , right down to your undergarments! Instant messaging is used for communication , and you can indicate whether your resident will whisper or yell to those they talk to. Residents move around on foot, although there are go-cart type vehicles available ,and several options such as hot air ballons, helicopters and submarines for purchase! Linden dollars is the currency used and there is real estate available to purchase. Land , or an Island on Linden cost about $1600 and there is a monthly upkeep fee as well. Residents can create new goods and services to buy and sell, and build business opportunities. They indicate that the residence are friendly and welcoming and there as always something to do. I guess being in a virtual world allows for creative thnking and for people to experience a different social network than they currently do.
Virtual worlds are very advanced social networks utilizing computor simulation. This type of computor simulation could actually be used by students to create and market products as talked about in class. Some marketing and media companies are very excited about the future of utilizing virtual worlds for advertising , feeling there is significant profits to be made. According to an article in Fortune , IBM feels it's not just a game but a phenomenon that will continue to open the door to new business opportunities.
Even Walt Disney has a virtual world called Disney's Toontown. Very much like the adult world, they can dress their characters, own a home, have water fights and battle evil robots! This program has a higher level of security built in as characters can converse with secret friends by using passwords only. Many adults are enjoying playing along as well!
I believe we are just seeing the tip of the iceburg with virtual worlds such as a Second life. Second life appears to be reflective of its title; It provides people a chance to explore new social networks and opportunities they are currently not in this world, while existing in a drop dead body!
You may notice everyone looks good in Linden!

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