Facebook is an internet based website that is used for social networking ,targetting highschool, university, and college aged people. After hearing about this at class the other night, I thought I would find out more about it, as my teenager is also a part of this network.
Facebook was founded by a Harvard University student , which began as a hobby project and took off from there. It was soon endorsed by several universities and became a student network phenomenon. It was intended to be a tool for university students to network and is now catching on with younger teenagers. Facebook allows people to stay in touch, and a popular feature is the ability to post unlimited pictures! In Facebook you post a picture of yourself and can invite friends to view and write on your wall! You might give details about your likes and dislikes and post videos of your favorite music groups. A safety feature of network is that you only share with those confirmed friend who you wish to have in your network. You can use the privacy setting to control who sees what . Perhaps the most amazing statistic of all may be that Facebook is the 7th most trafficked site in the U.S.
Another social network similar to facebook is MySpace. Right now there is teriffic growth with these social sites , but as with any fad, they will come and go, and perhaps be replaced with different technologies. It is a competative industry. You can click here if you want to register for Facebook now.
The next step for Facebook and MySpace is to extend their reach beyond the computor to cell phones, making access more mobile! Social networking sites rely on advertising such as banner adds . Banner adds are graphic displays used for advertising on a web site.The cost of running the site remains low as users volunteer to use the service and also look after posting to their own site.
Social networks have power beyond ad revenue to act as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool for companies selling products or services. Maybe this will be the way we look after our customers in the future! . People would network with friends linking them to mutual businesses, job hunting and sales leads! Perhaps ground line phones are on there way out. Being mobile, connected , and having a network such as FaceBook , who needs to communicate what is happening in their lives any other way?
Future communication will be through such portals as Facebook and MySpace. Remember , never put something into print that you aren't willing to share with anyone or everyone, or to say to someone in person! You own your own words....